2019 |
“The Music Collection of the Ridgely Family of Hampton and the Emergence of an ‘American’ Identity in Music in the Antebellum Period.” Paper to be presented at the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting (Denver, Colorado). |
2019 |
“The Lady with a Harp: Music and Women’s Education in the Early United States.” Paper to be presented at the Society of Early Americanists 11th Biennial Conference (Eugene, Oregon). |
2018 |
“The Music Collection of the Ridgelys of Hampton: Overview, History, and Sourcing.” Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Allegheny, Capital, and Mid-Atlantic Chapters of the American Musicological Society (Newark, Delaware). |
2018 |
“The Making of ‘The Lady with the Harp’: Eliza Ridgely (1803-1867), Thomas Sully, and Francophilia in the Early United States.” Paper presented at Research Dialogues conference (Chattanooga, Tennessee). |
2018 |
“Audience Awareness of the Censored Past in Donizetti’s La fille du régiment: Censorship, Coded Messages, and Government Propaganda.” Paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the American Musicological Society-South Central Chapter (Asheville, North Carolina). |
2018 |
“The Roots of American Opera: How the Haitian Revolution Brought Opera to New Orleans.” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Opera Association (New Orleans, Louisiana). |
2016 |
“The Thematic Language of Game of Thrones: ‘The Rains of Castamere’ and Other Songs.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the American Musicological Society-Capital Chapter (Ashland, Virginia). |
2015 |
“Situational Friendship and Strange Bedfellows amongst European Seafarers, Colonists, and Pirates on the Indian Ocean, 1695-1721.” Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies (St. Louis, Missouri). |
2015 |
“Anglo-Dutch Seafarers and Musical Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (Berlin, Germany). |
2014 |
“A Singer from Casanova’s Circle: Louise ‘Lolotte’ Gaucher (c. 1717-1765), Fille d’Opéra and Courtesan.” Paper presented at the Midwest Chapter of the American Musicological Society Spring Meeting (Minneapolis, Minnesota). |
2014 |
“Boscawen’s Repulse and the Sound of the Drums: A Case Study in Ethnomusicologically-Informed Military History.” Paper presented at the Midwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting (Appleton, Wisconsin). |
2013 |
“Challenges to Greco-Roman Concepts of Music in Marin Mersenne’s Questions Harmoniques (1634).” Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (San Diego, California). |
2013 |
“Music Ministry in the Catholic Church: From Clerical to Lay Leadership.” Paper presented at the Catholic Vocations in a Time of Change Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts). |
2013 |
“Music and the Pirates of Madagascar.” Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society (Medford, Massachusetts). |
2012 |
“The Rise and Fall of Classical Music in Colonial Mauritius, ‘The Little Paris’ of the Indian Ocean.” Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Society of Ethnomusicology, and Society for Music Theory (New Orleans, Louisiana). |
2012 |
“Re-Attributing London-Royal College of Music MS1070: New Technologies and Insights,” Paper presented at the Boston University Medieval and Renaissance Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts). |
2012 |
“Identity in Mauritius: the Role of Government Policy and Tourism in ‘National Culture’.” Paper presented at the International Musicological Society Congress (Rome, Italy). |
2012 |
“Glocalization, Tourism, and Employment Opportunities for Musicians in Mauritius.” Current Trends in Ethnomusicological Research 4 Workshop (Hildesheim, Germany). |
2011 |
“La Fille du Régiment and the Construction of French Patriotism and Identity in the Inter-Empire Period.” Paper presented at the VIVA V.E.R.D.I. Conference (Pistoia, Italy). |
2011 |
“Confrontation and Accommodation in the Battle of Séga and Christian Song in Mauritius.” Paper presented at the conference Christian Congregational Music: Local and Global Perspectives (Ripon College, Cuddesdon, Oxford, UK). |
2011 |
“Under Cover of Darkness: Slavery, Exoticism, and Illegal Dance in Colonial Mauritius.” Paper presented at the Northeast Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting (Boston, Massachusetts). |
2011 |
“The Tudor Rose, Anne Boleyn, and Heraldry in the Attribution of Royal College of Music Manuscript 1070.” Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Montreal, Canada). |
2009 |
“Pamphlets Seen and Sung: The Reformation Drawn and Countered.” Paper presented at the Propagandes Objectifs et Pratiques au 16e Siècle et au 20e Siècle Conference, Université-Libre-de-Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium). |
2008 |
“Death by Education: The Soviet School System and the Decline of Armenian Folk Song.” Paper presented at the American Musicological Society Pacific Southwest Chapter Meeting (Los Angeles, California). |