Game of Thrones: The Musical Named Best-Selling Show of the Tampa Fringe
Really Spicy Opera’s production of Game of Thrones: The Musical has been named the best-selling show of the Tampa International Fringe Festival.
Really Spicy Opera’s production of Game of Thrones: The Musical has been named the best-selling show of the Tampa International Fringe Festival.
My time with Northern Starz Children’s Theatre is coming to a temporary close after a sold-out run of The Enchantment of Beauty and the Beast. It’s been a good run – miss you, cast!
My show Game of Thrones: The Musical was a hit at the Minnesota Fringe Festival back in August 2016. It was also one of the best-selling shows of the O’ahu and Maui Fringe Festivals in January...
The O’ahu Fringe Festival interviewed me about Really Spicy Opera’s upcoming production of Game of Thrones: The Musical here: