Category: Misc

SHOW REVIEW: Cabaret at the Pantages Theatre

My review of Theater Latté Da and the Hennepin Theatre Trust’s co-production of Cabaret (now playing in Minneapolis at the Pantages Theatre) for the Twin Cities Daily Planet is now online. According to the...

New Feature Online!

Today, the Boston Music Intelligencer ran my feature on Boston Opera Collaborative. You can read the feature in two parts: a short history of BOC, including remarks on their current season, and an interview...

Music on Top of a Landfill

There’s a lecture that I give to my world music students called “Music on the Edge of a Junkyard”. This title sounds nicer than the more literal rendition, which would be “Music on the...

“The Dream @ 50” Flash Mob in Boston

Flash mobs of the musical and dancing variety are one of those things that most people are quite startled but happy to run into. Once in a while, there’s actually advance warning of them...